Do You Hate Resolutions, Too? Try This Instead

I can’t believe it’s January, and we’re starting a brand new year! As we transition from one year to the next, I always try to reflect on the past year and appreciate what I achieved.

But as I look forward, I’m not much of a “resolution” person. I do, however, believe in goals and setting intentions. If you’re thinking “I hate resolutions!” or you simply want a different way of looking at goals or habits, here are some helpful resources:

Pick a Powerful Word
  • Select a word that reflects how you want to live in 2023. My word this year is “growth,” and both personally and professionally. Professionally, I am looking at ways to grow The Organizing Boss so that we can help more people reduce the stress they feel from clutter and disorganization
Build Habits
  • Habits have the ability to change our self image, so be sure you’re building habits the right way. Start thinking of yourself as an organized person, a runner, a reader, whatever it is you want to be. And start small—even one minute a day has the power to transform how you see yourself
Be Inspired by Others
  • Author Gabrielle Bernstein appeared on Good Morning America this week, and her mantra for speaking out loud/claiming your desires is incredibly motivating. I’ve always believed in the power of words: speak what you want and claim it. I’m adding Gabby’s Super Attractor to my 2023 reading list
  • If you’re looking for a bigger change but don’t know where to begin, check out Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life. I used this book several years ago when I was burned out in my career. Through its exploration process I found professional organizing, so I can personally attest to its usefulness

I hope and pray that you claim 2023 as your year, and that it’s filled with success, joy, and, of course, minimum stress and maximum organization!